Whitest Filipina
Sunday, August 26,


Yes I am still irriated buy the fact that people can definitly be selfish in this world and really could care less what you have done for them.. not that im counting on what i do for friends but hell.. you fkn hook a mutha up.. u think the mutha wouldnt turn out to be a mutha fucka.. Its stressfull just because its like a slap in the face and theres nothing you can do about it but suck it up and pay the fkn bill yourself because you know he/she wont becuase they know its in your name not theres.. I guess thats life and yet another lesson that my dumb ass needs to learn so that I dont do it again..anyways today I offically have 4 weeks left until this kid rips open what I once called a Vagina.. and turn me into one big gigantic strech mark....

11:18 PM

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