Sunday, November 4,
finally got drunk!
I am at my moms house right now in CO, freaken perfect out here. The babies doing well, Linkyn isnt colicky anymore, freaken was ripping my hair out the last month trying to figure out why the baby hates me.. turns out he doesnt, he just had really bad bad bad gas (like his dad, j/k) He big as hell, like me.. but i am seriously excited to get back to work, but i dont wana leave Link alone with anyone yet, so i am going to take a full 10 weeks for my maternity leave. lately i have been daydreaming about Seattle so much it reminds me how empty i feel about home.... still not fully adjusted to Kansas.. i mean seriously i went and got drunk the otha night with my sis and donshay and like it wasnt the same..i felt hella guilty for leaving Link with my mom, and getting wasted.. Nels was HELLA drunk.. i only had 3 cosmos compared to my usual 6.. god i just hope my partying days arnt over.. i feel like ther are just way to many drinks to mix and way to many toilets i need to pass out with my head in.....
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the company

dude.. this company my husband owns is fucken driving me mad! i hate it. Id rather have him work 9-5 at some dumb ass job, becuase it sure doesnt seem, like this is worth it...ugh..
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