Whitest Filipina
Friday, November 23,

the expensive accident

> I thought it would be a great idea to borrow my little sisters car for a couple of weeks and leave her our Audi..you know just to drive something different until we came back in a couple of weeks.. well LO and FUCKEN behold.. we leave to his parents for Thanksgiving and in his dads driveway there are these HUGE and i mean HUGE lion statues when you enter the driveway....lets just say...there was an icestorm the night before and his dads driveway is not like flat.. its steep...well backing out..started sliding..breaks wernt working and BAM!!!! right into the statue.. glass busted in shattered everywhere, back hatch dented in...ok so like we got in a car accident WITH my little sisters LEXUS SUV!!! can you freaken beleive it?? ugh..I am thankful for this thanksgiving for auto insurance,for having my beautiful son, my dad coming home soon from Iraq,my mommy, my awesome GORGEOUS nephews, and my little sister for being so forgiving for my husband destroying her car and of course my wonderful bestfriends in seattle who havent forgotten about me..u know i forever totally heart you guys and last but not least...having married such a awesome husband...(who by the way has to pay my sisters deductable) ...love you all bitches XXOXOXOXO

10:30 PM

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