Tuesday, December 25,
Some pussy can kill u!
Dude this cat (Tiger) got out somehow at the S.F zoo today and killed some 20 year old dude hanging out with his 2 friends at the zoo. It was just after closing time. so sad...but this leads me to some questions...#1 wtf are these dudes doing at the zoo! #2 its Xmas day wtf are u doing at the zoo! #3 how the hell do 3 dudes(who by the way are in there 20s) get together and decide to go to the zoo! At night! I have no idea what's sadder...
***Sent from my BB Curve suckas***
10:51 PM
I found Dani!!

O my god i found Dani's Page..(from A Shot at Love with Tila) who in america doesnt love this chick..she is seriously the perfect woman..if i was a lesbian..shed be my true love..shes a total rad chick....my life is complete...u know u want it....
Labels: dani
10:18 PM
bad mood
dude im just in such a bad mood. this xmas sucks. i wasnt with my family...all i did was clean all day. and nels is gettin on my nerves today too...fucking hot in this house and the heater is NOT on...nels busting ass every 5 minutes is giving me a headache and totally making me want to stay away from him...ugh! i miss my family...and in case u forgot this christmas sucked
Labels: christmas
4:23 PM