Whitest Filipina
Tuesday, December 25,

Some pussy can kill u!

Dude this cat (Tiger) got out somehow at the S.F zoo today and killed some 20 year old dude hanging out with his 2 friends at the zoo. It was just after closing time. so sad...but this leads me to some questions...#1 wtf are these dudes doing at the zoo! #2 its Xmas day wtf are u doing at the zoo! #3 how the hell do 3 dudes(who by the way are in there 20s) get together and decide to go to the zoo! At night! I have no idea what's sadder...
***Sent from my BB Curve suckas***

10:51 PM

I found Dani!!

O my god i found Dani's Page..(from A Shot at Love with Tila) who in america doesnt love this chick..she is seriously the perfect woman..if i was a lesbian..shed be my true love..shes a total rad chick....my life is complete...u know u want it....


10:18 PM

bad mood

dude im just in such a bad mood. this xmas sucks. i wasnt with my family...all i did was clean all day. and nels is gettin on my nerves today too...fucking hot in this house and the heater is NOT on...nels busting ass every 5 minutes is giving me a headache and totally making me want to stay away from him...ugh! i miss my family...and in case u forgot this christmas sucked


4:23 PM

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