Whitest Filipina
Friday, February 22,

JLo and skeletor had em'

awww JLO and her skeletor looking husband had a boy and a girl. The girl was born at 12:12 a.m. and weighed 5 lbs. 7 oz., and the boy followed at 12:23 a.m., weighing 6 lbs....dude how lucky she has both boy and girl at the same time...

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9:24 PM

great 2 more of her in this world

man! how the hell is this foo gonna have 2 kids on her first try! it aint fair! im totally hating on her!The National Enquirer is reporting that Alba the slutbucket is definitely having twins. She has been telling all her friends and giving June 8th as her due date. Look at the bright side...bitch is gonna be fat! yes! ::::secret hater::::

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9:20 PM

beauty and her kid

I dont care what anyone says, Demi Moore still looks fabulous!!

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9:14 PM

Lil Kim needs to stop now!!

ok seriously, LiL Kim wtf??? is she trying to look like Michal Jackson with a tan? I am not joking ! bitch has gone WAY WAY WAY to far!

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9:08 PM

oh look another one bites the dust!!

Dude what the fuck is wrong with these celebs? you have all this money, and you waste it on drugs! you could be wasting it on hot purses!! and on top of that you waste it paying for bail money in L.A.for DUI's! ..no wonder L.A loves the celebs!! they fucken fund the whole city!

Nick Carter can use the publicity though..shit he should be happy he got pulled over... its the only way he can get his name in the papers...kinda think hes lucky dont you? i bet when heHomeboy got pulled over for speeding and cops found at least two ounces of marijuana! got pulled over he was like "YES!! fuck ya"

8:56 PM

J-Lo honestly looks adorable

seriously could you even imagine what kinda underwear shes wearing to cover her butt cheeks? bitch got huge ass! but honestly no matter what anyone says she really is so beautiful preggo..


8:19 PM

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