Tuesday, August 5,
scare last night.,...it was awful...
heres what i found......
started bleeding (not spotting) but actually bleeding.. cramping really bad.. i went to the emergency room .....i never had so many people looking at my hoo-hoo in one day lol...its scary because they say that any day right now i can miscarry and that this whole thing is very delicate right now, i have to keep elevated.....god this is so freaken terrifying.. they did a sonogram to see if there was heart beat and there was ...they measured the baby and said i was 8 weeks and 2 days..
I am so confused cuz the doctor said i am 8 weeks and my due date is March 15th. but everything is all contradicting cuz i really DON'T know when my period was lol...
IF my 1st day of my period was on JUNE 17th then.... (this is what i think)
IF my 1st day of my period was on JUNE 8th then (Nels & the Doctor think this)
7:11 PM