Friday, July 4,
Linkyn n Donshay

Playing playstation together
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6:50 PM

Blue sky
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4:50 PM
Moms back deck

Look at nels trying to jump on the tramboline lol
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4:32 PM

So much about u............. :::::sigh:::::
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12:35 PM
I'm awake

Suckas!!!!! U thought I was asleep haaaaaa yahhh!
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12:16 PM
What I look like on a roadtrip

Love my blackberry...hate long boring roadtrips.....
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11:10 AM
Roadtrip continued.....

Damn der aint shit out here......(In case u were wondering I am in exciting Kansas)
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10:48 AM
Roadtrip continued......

Thank god I got this kid t entertain me
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10:46 AM

Soooooooooo bored
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10:41 AM

Awwwww T and Julian.... Damn my floor looks shiney
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1:32 AM