Monday, January 21,

Please tell me that these two are not engaged...i will seriously slit my wrists... well i might give myself a paper cut but please tell me its not true....
Labels: Engaged
10:55 PM
one wrong move and this dress is a tank top

why and how in the hell did Ashanti let her sister out in public wearing this...why???
Labels: burn this outfit
10:51 PM
how in the hell

how in the hell does this athlete get 6 months in jail??? for doing drugs?? who fucking cares?? so she did drugs..shes didnt have sex with a donkey....she didnt murder anyone, she didnt steal from anyone...these other bitches...lindsy lohan, paris "slut" hilton, nicole riche, drink and drive, could take lives...kill anyone innocent and they get like 1-2 days in jail..with the exception of paris..i understand this one case was different..hoe had to stay in jail for like 3 weeks but dude..this chick only did drugs..this justice crap is bullshit..god i hope no one finds out that i did crack today!... (i hope you know i am not serious about the crack)
Labels: celeb, jail
10:43 PM
im feel bad...

I am really not sure who I feel sorry for..the person who does her hair..the person wearing this hair..or the dude next to her that has to be photographed in all the media..thank fucking god hes wearing gloves... im just saying!
Labels: britney
10:41 PM
Old Celebs

ok when i saw this pic i was totally shocked.,Jack Nicholson..the most amazing of my favorites is here with 2 chicks who are totally topless with there boobies hanging out! and i look and realized the foo has his hand on her titty ....just thougt id share this with you "Heeeeeresss Johnny"...
Labels: funny celebrity
9:38 PM