Tuesday, November 11,
this was an actual random poem i found on a page when i googled Mikeys name....
Here are some very deep and creative pieces from a good friend, Michael Bradbury.
Completed dreams.....
Look deep into these eyes,
Eyes of the one who can look deep into your soul,
Eyes of he who will carry out your desires,
Eyes that show pure love and compassion,
Seek deep into this heart,
Heart of the one who makes yours shine so bright,
Heart of he who makes you feel so whole,
Heart that completes your passion,
Enjoy greatly this soul,
Soul of the one who makes you his only queen,
Soul of he who is completely yours,
Soul that is more pure than any other,
Love deeply this one,
This one who shall love you forever,
This one who makes his future yours,
This one that is your soulmate........
11:12 PM
his 1st "CONTROL: shirt.....
12:02 AM