Saturday, December 8,
Driving home

So we r driving home from Colorado Springs.I already miss my family.even my little sister...let's b honest the bitch is my best friend....its 24 degrees outside.Link is asleep in the back and I had to sacrafice my Armani eye glasses to Nels cuz well he's driving and I don't wana mom got me a Tom Tom which I feel that she did because she freaken knows how easily I get lost in Kansas..its sad..shit I new Seattle like the back of my mutha fkn hand...kansas I don't get out much so what the fuck is there to do but get lost? Dude so I just checked the weather/road conditions for the trip home....not loving the "freezing rain" warning!! Ugh...maby its time to get we pull over at a walmart to get Link formula and Nels figures why not pull off the ice off the Audi...its so freaken cold Nels pulls off a "ice" shaped just like my audi grill...thats how we roll...
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2:17 AM