Whitest Filipina
Monday, December 8,


u know what i really miss. Passion. The very thing that start every relationship and in some cases the only thing that keeps most relationships going. Raw passion, new passion, fresh passion, passion envy...fuck I miss it all. I have no idea where or when it left, or if I ever had it. Can a reltaionship survive with out it? I mean does it even really NEED it? Does anyone need it. How do i know that i miss it if I dont even remember the feeling that I used to have. God is it gone? Love is the best feeling in the world.. but so is just feeling... like passion. Like your wanted, and that someone aches to have you. They say you cant describe love... but I can describe how love becomes what it is, and I know it has to start somewhere where passion is or was. I wonder if passion can come back...fuck... who really knows...all i know is that I miss it...

**P.S> i found this posting that i wrote on Sept 23rd 2006, month after i moved to Kansas w/Nels. Whats funny is that it was over 2 years ago and i googeld my name today and found my old LiveJournal..god how crazy life turns out to be..........fkn passion

11:52 PM

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