Whitest Filipina
Sunday, September 16,

the baby shower

Ok so i have to say that this has probably been the coolest day since I moved here. I get to work and these freaken awesom people thru me a secret baby shower! no im not the sappy mommy type that you see in the isle of a grocery store with the bags in her eyes and talking in baby language at every baby near me but I have to tell you .. these people doing that for me really freaken touched me and seriously wasnt even expecting that these people would take the time out of there day to buy things for a kid that they dont even know. Its seriously shocked me It actually hit me.. im having a kid.. a boy.. and that i needed alot more then i thought I did. seriously the kindness of people sometimes really amaze me, becuase it showd seriously how unselfish people really are and life just really isnt that bad...

8:54 PM

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