Saturday, September 13,

This kid loves Raman too
***Sent from SooSoo's sexy BlackBerry Curve***
9:43 PM
I sit here eating raman noodles in the kitchen and I think of all the hours and minutes I wasted. How I can never get those back, and it aggravates me. I feel like such an idiot! Ugh. All I can do is just sit here and get mad...I'd pound my hands on this table right now if I new my parents didn't get mad.
***Sent from SooSoo's sexy BlackBerry Curve***
9:36 PM

For life
***Sent from SooSoo's sexy BlackBerry Curve***
9:00 PM
My Morning

This kid woke me up beating on me lol..who needs an alarm clock when u got him 6:30am...for real what's wrong with this kid
***Sent from SooSoo's sexy BlackBerry Curve***
4:05 PM