Think about it though, we r best friends, first person u think to tell about a good score or when ur mad at target is me. We laugh and cry together. Its so awesome!
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11:19 AM
i seriously could die laughing
dude whats sad is Im sure i did the same thing with when NKOTB broke up...if u dont know what NKOTB is leave my page now........
11:01 AM
What in the hell??
I cannot believe there were really two foos that sat here and recorded this crap!!! im telling u its the funniest most hilarious thing ever, the best part is when the 2dudes start acting together...its definitely a "Oh hell to the no" moment
10:32 AM
Yours Truly
This blog is about some psycho bitch who lives in Kansas against her will and will soon be moving back to Seattle where she belongs...