Tuesday, December 18,
i feel good today
went to the gym again...and worked my ass off.. 44 min on the elliptical machine.. i think i lost 10 lbs..lets be honest tho...i probably gain weight! stupid metabolism..
10:14 PM
whoa..skin cream anyone?

um is it me or does someone think that this bitch may not make it to voting day...better yet will she even make it to tommorow? she looks 100 years old..no wonder bill clinton.............................no i wont say it.. ill leave it at that... i dont want to go to hell...
10:07 PM
Carmen...um...wats going on...

now i love Carmen Electra as much as the next dude but um...im not sure..um how to say this! Bitch looks FUUUUUCKED up..i still heart her though.. but damn... i thought i looked rough...
10:00 PM
Jamie Lynn knocked the fuck up!

ok this is nuts. Jamie lynn (britneys sister is knocked up) Kinda wierd that she is..when i heard the news from a very very reliable source (my little sister) hee hee i almost popped my c-section stiches!! I mean damn like her sister didnt scare the fuck out of her to want to give birth! look how britney spears turned out! I would have cut my tittes off and sealed my vagina with crazy glue if i had even a slight chance to end up looking like that bitch after having a kid!! and u know im fucking right!
Labels: britney
9:55 PM